August 1, 2021

Kieser Physiotherapy

Activating event sponsorship for leads

Perfect event sponsorship adding huge value to the customer and qualifying leads for the brand

IMG Events Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road Running Festival used the self-service Campaignware platform to easily build a digital activation of their new event sponsorship with Kieser Australia Physiotherapy.  This campaign offered runners in the Marathon a chance to receive a personalised performance plan and a free tele-health consultation after completing a simple 3-question quiz.

Using the Campaignware Outcome Quiz theme, Kieser we able to capture data, consumer insights and qualify hundreds of leads to hand to their sales team.

End users were taken through a seamless and effective digital interaction with Kieser, answering a few questions and receiving a personalised performance plan ahead of their Marathon.  Kieser received a detailed report of qualified sales leads.

This is a perfect example of a brand using some simple gamification and a solid value exchange to give a prospective customer a great digital experience and provide the business with actionable data to drive sales.

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